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  • The Thunder Bay North Pt-Pd-Cu-Ni Deposit

The Thunder Bay North Pt-Pd-Cu-Ni Deposit

  • 28 Jul 2020
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM (EDT)
  • Online
  • 120


Alan MacTavish, Vice President and Project Manager, Clean Air Metals Inc.

Speaker Bio:

Allan MacTavish is a specialist in PGE-Cu-Ni exploration and obtained a B.Sc. (Honours) Degree in Geology from Laurentian University in 1977 and a M.Sc. Degree in Geology from Lakehead University in 1992.  He has been actively involved in the mineral exploration industry since 1975 with various major and junior mining/mineral exploration companies and has also worked as a Field Geoscientist for the Ontario Geological Survey.  He has been Exploration Manager, Canada for Magma Metals (Canada) Limited and its successor Panoramic PGMs (Canada) Limited since May 2007.  He and his staff with Magma/Panoramic were instrumental in bringing the deposit from a newly discovered raw prospect in 2007 to a well-defined, polymetallic, conduit/chonolith-hosted orthomagmatic sulphide deposit by the end of 2012.  After Panoramic PGMs (Canada) Limited was purchased by Clean Air Metals Inc. in May 2020 he became Vice President Project Manager for Clean Air in charge of renewed exploration on the Thunder Bay North Project, which now also includes the newly acquired, well-mineralized Escape Lake Project.  Allan is based in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Talk Abstract:

The Thunder Bay North Project (“TBN”) is located 50 km northeast of Thunder Bay, Ontario and hosts 6 interrelated, mafic to ultramafic intrusions that comprise the weakly deformed and metamorphosed Thunder Bay North Intrusive Complex (TBNIC).  The complex has been dated as Keweenawan-age by the GSC who obtained a U-Pb zircon date of 1107±2MY (W. Bleeker Personal Communication, 2019).  Four of the component intrusions are mineralized and comprise the Current Lake, Steepledge Lake-Escape Lake, Lone Island Lake, and 025 intrusions.  The 025 Intrusion is the only member of the complex that is exposed at surface.

The Current Lake (CLI) and Steepledge Lake-Escape Lake (SLI) intrusions are sub-horizontal to moderately plunging, mafic/ultramafic magmatic conduits (chonoliths).  The CLI hosts the orthomagmatic Current Lake Pt-Pd-Cu-Ni Deposit which contains an historic resource of 9.8 million tonnes (Mt) indicated at 2.3 grams per tonne (g/t) platinum-equivalent (Pt-Eq) and 0.5 Mt inferred at 2.9 g/t Pt-Eq, for a total of 790,000 Pt-Eq ounces.  The SLI hosts the presently poorly-defined Escape Lake High-Grade Zone (HGZ) and is located 3km west of the CLI.  Drilling is presently in-progress on the HGZ.

The Current Lake Deposit was discovered by Magma Metals (Canada) Limited (now Panoramic PGMs (Canada) Limited) in December 2006 during diamond drill follow-up to the discovery of 2 fields of large, well-mineralized, glacially erratic and frost-heaved peridotite boulders.  The first hole of the program intersected disseminated sulphides grading 1.4 g/t Pt, 1.3 g/t Pd, 0.5% Cu, and 0.3% Ni/10.5 m.  A 5 year comprehensive exploration program that included airborne and ground geophysical surveys; geological mapping; and 808 diamond drill holes (>186,000m), defined semi-continuous, orthomagmatic mineralization over a strike-length of >4.75km within the CLI to a depth of >1000 m.  The defined resource occupies a 3.85km strike-length of the known mineralization.

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