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  • Estimating Uncertainty and the Impact on Resources

Estimating Uncertainty and the Impact on Resources

  • 27 Apr 2021
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM (EDT)
  • Online
  • 120


Lynda Bloom, President, Analytical Solutions Ltd.

After earning a M.Sc. at Queen's University in Geological Sciences in 1980, Lynda gained experience as an exploration geochemist planning and interpreting geochemical surveys across Canada and worldwide. She is recognized as a world-expert on assay methods and has traveled extensively worldwide to review sampling and analytical procedures. Since 1989, she has also gained public company experience as a senior executive and director.

Lynda was awarded the 2013 Queen’s Jubilee Medal award for her dedicated volunteer work in the mining industry and the PDAC Distinguished Service Award in 2020. In addition to many volunteer committees, she served on advisory boards including the Ministry of Natural Resources-CANMET Advisory Committee, the Canadian Securities Administrators Mining Technical Advisory and Monitoring Committee and the Canadian Mining Innovation Council- Footprints Project Advisory Board.

Talk Abstract:

Since the introduction of NI43-101 20 years ago, the minerals industry has greatly improved monitoring and reporting on accuracy of assay data. In comparison, reporting on precision and using duplicate data to improve processes has lagged behind.

The presentation will review

• Options for communicating precision

• The conundrum of core duplicates

• Why comparing averages for data sets does not estimate bias

• How to avoid selection bias

• Potential solutions for better precision of gold grades (hint: Photon Assay)

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