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    Toronto Geological Discussion Group

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  • TGDG Rocks the Holidays

TGDG Rocks the Holidays

  • 14 Dec 2022
  • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (EST)
  • C'est What, 67 Front St E, Toronto, ON M5E 1B5
  • 0


Registration is closed

Join the TGDG for our year-end Annual Holiday Mixer: TGDG Rocks the Holidays!

We miss you! The TGDG is excited to welcome our valued members for an in-person year-end celebration.  Join us for drinks,  appetizers,  and yuletide fun!

TGDG is happy to host the Royal Ontario Museum Earth and Space team, home of the country's biggest geology collection, at this year's holiday party. The ROM will be showing off some sparkly specimens from the collections to ensure every geologist has a rock-rich holiday season. Put your mineral ID skills to the test!

Registration: closed


  1. $45 for TGDG members
  2. $25 for student members
  3. $75 for non-members (includes membership)

What's Included:

- Wide selection of appetizers

- Two (2) drink tickets


Wednesday, December 14, 2022 (5-8pm)


C'est What, 67 Front Street E, Tel: (416) 867-9499

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